Roy Hibberd Sets Up Innovative Fitness Center Founder for Franchising Success

Ask personal trainer and fitness center owner Anthony Kapasakis to develop a training and fitness program for you, and he will enthusiastically put together an intense and personally tailored plan perfectly suited to your experience and goals. But if you’d asked Anthony in 2021 for his plan to grow and expand his group of four innovative and increasingly popular New Jersey fitness centers, he would have been far less pumped. 

“I had a general idea of what I wanted in terms of growth – empowering my managers to ultimately take over and own their locations, building strong ties with the communities we operated in, developing a strong brand, and keeping a consistent company culture and member experience,” said Anthony, founder and owner of SETS Hybrid Training. “But I didn’t have any real sense of how to accomplish those things. That all changed when I met Roy.”

Both as a lawyer, a corporate executive, and a franchise area development owner himself, Ansell Grimm & Aaron’s Roy Hibberd has played instrumental roles in the success of countless businesses in a wide range of industries, developing franchising and other strategic growth plans for billion-dollar companies and start-ups alike. He fondly remembers his first meeting with Anthony and how impressed he was with Anthony’s vision and passion for his work, his fitness centers, his employees, and his members.

A “Graduate Degree Program in Franchising”

“Anthony clearly knew the fitness business inside and out, but it was his infectious enthusiasm and genuine interest in seeing his managers and employees grow and succeed as much as his business that made me excited to work with him,” Roy said. 

Anthony, who at the time owned and operated SETS gyms in Freehold, Hamilton, Jackson, and Old Bridge, New Jersey, had a very high-level understanding of franchising but was seeking to work with an attorney who could address both the business and legal issues involved. After discussing his goals with Roy, Anthony was convinced that franchising was the best way to realize his dreams for his business and that Roy was the right person to make that happen given Roy’s significant franchise expertise and experience.

“I knew next to nothing about franchising,” Anthony recalls. “Roy understood that while I was an entrepreneur, I certainly wasn’t a lawyer, and he didn’t talk to me like one. He walked me through every aspect of how things would work, what to expect, and what we needed to do and change to create a SETS franchise system. Then we got to work.”

A Better Business Owner and Stronger Company

Anthony remembers that the process of getting his company in position for expansion, in particular the development of the SETS Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD), transformed and improved the way he saw and ran his business. Working with Roy in formalizing policies and procedures, building out a business and growth plan, defining KPIs and revenue targets, and all the other elements needed for the FDD and SETS franchise system made SETS more efficient and agile and helped Anthony transform his conceptual goals into concrete, achievable plans.

“Even if we never launched our franchising plans, just the exercise of putting them together and working closely with Roy throughout the process made me a better business owner and made SETS a stronger company,” Anthony said.

Of course, those franchising plans came to fruition. In January 2023, SETS’ Old Bridge location became its first franchise, with its long-time manager becoming its first franchisee. The second franchised location in Barnegat, New Jersey, came online in March 2023. SETS is now expanding beyond the Garden State, with a new franchise soon to open in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and plans for a location in South Carolina.

Anthony says that Roy’s business advice and legal counsel was invaluable to SETS’ success and that working with him was both enlightening and enjoyable.

“I knew I could call Roy anytime with a question or concern, and he would have my back. I continue to look to him for advice and feel like I have a true partner on this journey,” Anthony said.

Joshua S. Bauchner Named a NJ Cannabis Insider 2023 Award Finalist

Ansell Grimm & Aaron is pleased to announce that Joshua S. Bauchner is a finalist for the NJ Cannabis Insider 2023 Awards! He has been nominated in the Excellence in Cannabis Law: Employment Lawyer category.

Voting is now open and can be done once per day through May 8, 2023. Please join us in supporting Josh by submitting as many votes as possible for him. Click here to cast your vote.

As head of the Controlled Substances and Regulatory Law Practice Group, Josh co-hosted on behalf of the Firm the first-ever Cannabis Symposium in New Jersey which drew nearly a thousand people (two other Symposia followed). He is co-chair of the New Jersey State Bar Association Cannabis Law Committee, a member of the NORML Legal Committee and Amicus Committee, has spoken at the Cannabis World Congress and Business Expo at the Jacob Javits Center, and has presented CLE’s on cannabis at the NY and NJ State Bar Associations, among other fora across the country. He also was honored with the New Jersey Law Journal’s Innovator of the Year Award for his work in the cannabis space and also publishes regularly on the topic.

The attorneys in the group understand the complex laws related to the production, sale, use, regulation, and legalization of controlled substances, including hemp, cannabis, and psychedelics. A multifaceted area of the law with conflicting regulations from different governing bodies, we help our clients navigate all aspects of this emerging field. 

Rick Brodsky Represents Seller in $8.4M Monmouth County Parks System Acquisition

The Monmouth County Parks System just got a beautiful new view of the Navesink River, thanks to the help of Ansell Grimm & Aaron’s Rick Brodsky.

Stretched along the bank of the Navesink River is a largely undeveloped 17-acre waterfront estate, save for the existing residence and a pier extending into the river. The property has been privately owned for years, but the owners considered selling the prime land should the right buyer come along. While compensation for their property was important, the planned future use of the property when sold was equally crucial to the owners. They wanted to ensure the property’s legacy by maintaining its natural state while opening it for the public to enjoy. The owners turned to Rick Brodsky to help make their dreams come true.

Brodsky, who practices commercial and residential real estate law, began working with the owners several years ago to find a buyer to meet all their goals. As luck would have it, the county of Monmouth approached the sellers to begin discussing its possible purchase of the land. Rick started working closely with the owners, Monmouth County, and the Monmouth Conservation Foundation to ensure a smooth and beneficial transaction for all parties.

“This was a complex deal that has been years in the making,” Brodsky said. “But in the end, we reached an agreement that satisfied all parties involved.”

The 17-acre waterfront estate is on the Navesink River in Locust, New Jersey. The property is adjacent to Historic Hartland Place and will connect to Hartshorne Woods, an 800-acre peninsula park, giving park visitors access to the river. Under the terms of the sales agreement, the land use will be restricted to park use and be open to the public.

“I am proud to be able to play a role in the creation of this new park,” Brodsky said. “I am always hesitant to say a deal is a win-win, but in this case, I think it truly is. It’s great for the sellers, the county parks, and the public.”

Ansell Grimm & Aaron Congratulates Clients for Securing Cannabis Licenses

Ansell Grimm & Aaron, PC is pleased to congratulate its latest clients to secure annual cannabis licenses from the Cannabis Regulatory Commission. The Social Leaf, LLC was awarded an Annual Class Five Retailer License, and CSDE Manufacturing, LLC was awarded an Annual Class One Cultivator License. The Commission issues licenses for medicinal and recreational cannabis business operations in New Jersey. We proudly support these developing businesses.

Our Controlled Substances and Regulatory Practice attorneys understand the complex laws related to the production, sale, use, regulation, and legalization of controlled substances, including hemp, cannabis, and psychedelics. A multifaceted area of the law with conflicting regulations from different governing bodies, we help our clients navigate all aspects of this emerging field. We are committed to helping our clients understand their rights and opportunities in this evolving area of law.

9th Circuit to Decide Whether the Federal Government Can Continue to Deprive End-of-Life Patients of Psilocybin’s Palliative Benefits

By Joshua S. Bauchner and Rahool Patel

Much ink has been spilled over the past decade about the absurdity of the federal government’s insistence on maintaining marijuana’s listing as a Schedule I drug with “no accepted medical use” under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) despite ample evidence of and consensus about marijuana’s therapeutic and medical benefits. A similarly illogical and unjust prohibition against the therapeutic use of another drug – psilocybin – is the subject of a current challenge before the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. The outcome of this pending litigation will determine whether the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) can continue to deprive countless palliative care and end-of-life patients of a therapy that can help them with unrelieved anxiety and depression in their remaining days.

The case, which has taken a long and winding path back to the appellate court, has attracted the interest and involvement of scores of clinicians, patient rights groups, and drug reform advocates. These parties have submitted amicus briefs to support the rescheduling of psilocybin so that dying patients can avail themselves of the relief the drug may provide. Among those groups is the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (“NORML”), whose amicus brief was prepared and filed pro bono by Ansell Grimm & Aaron attorneys Joshua S. Bauchner and Rahool Patel.

“A Law Enforcement Agency Lacking Scientific and Medical Expertise Dictating the Outcomes of Drug Scheduling”

The efforts to reschedule psilocybin and the litigation that followed were commenced by Seattle-based physician Dr. Sunil Aggarwal, who asked the DEA to approve the use of the drug for his palliative care patients under the 2018 federal Right to Try (RTT) Act. That law allows certain patients access to investigational drugs outside of clinical trials.

Despite the fact that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had twice designated psilocybin as a “breakthrough therapy,” thus making it potentially eligible for use under the RTT, the DEA refused Aggarwal’s request. Aggarwal then asked the 9th Circuit in 2021 to order the DEA to allow him to treat his patients with psilocybin, arguing that the RTT superseded the CSA’s ban on the use of the drug. However, the court dismissed the petition on procedural grounds, as the DEA had not yet issued a final agency decision that would allow for judicial review.

After the dismissal, Aggarwal continued his fight but changed his approach. Instead of challenging the DEA’s decision under the RTT, he affirmatively petitioned the DEA in February 2022 to reschedule psilocybin as a Schedule II drug, which would allow for its therapeutic use.

The DEA was equally unmoved by this effort and summarily rejected Aggarwal’s petition in September 2022, asserting there was no scientific evidence that would justify rescheduling. The pending litigation ensued, in which Aggarwal is asking the 9th Circuit to vacate the DEA’s denial and remand the petition back to the agency on the grounds that the DEA did not follow the required procedure when denying the petition.

Specifically, Aggarwal asserts that the DEA violated the law by failing to consult the FDA to assess psilocybin’s potential uses. As noted, the FDA had previously designated it as “breakthrough therapy,” facilitating research into its potential medical applications. As Aggarwal asserts in his initial brief, “DEA disregarded procedures Congress established to cabin the agency’s authority and to prevent precisely what has happened here: a law enforcement agency lacking scientific and medical expertise dictating the outcomes of drug scheduling.”

The firm is proud to stand with Dr. Aggarwal and his efforts to make a promising and game-changing treatment available to ease the pain of patients nearing the end of their lives and others who may benefit from such therapies. The federal government’s imperviousness to scientific and medical evidence that does not align with their obsolete treatment of potentially beneficial drugs unjustly interferes with the doctor-patient relationship and deprives patients of much-needed relief.







Ansell Files Amicus Curiae Brief In Support Of De-Scheduling Psilocybin

Ansell Grimm & Aaron, PC once again proudly joins the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (“NORML”) in securing access for patients, especially veterans, to the scientifically established medicinal benefits of psilocybin. Americans waited a half-century before gaining access to medicinal cannabis while the federal government continues to pursue a racist agenda in the face of legalization in nearly 40 states. History must not repeat itself. The federal government must stop interfering in the doctor-patient relationship.

In furtherance of this objective, Firm attorneys Joshua S. Bauchner, head of the Controlled Substances and Regulatory Law Practice Group, and Rahool Patel served as the principal authors of a pro-bono amicus curiae brief on behalf of NORML in support of Petitioners in Dr. Sunil Aggarwal, MD, PhD; Advanced Integrative Medical Science Institute, PLLC v. U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration; Anne Milgram in Her Official Capacity as Administrator of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration; and Merrick Garland in His Official Capacity as Attorney General, No. 22-178, in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.  A copy of the brief may be found here.

In summary, the brief cautions the federal government against allowing history to repeat itself, providing an historical account of NORML’s efforts to decriminalize cannabis for medicinal purposes for the past half-century and the never-ending efforts of the federal government to delay, resist, and obstruct the progress of science and medicine.  While the federal government is unlikely to learn any lessons from the past, NORML hopes that the Court will acknowledge and heed the legal and procedural lessons learned from those past administrative petition litigations so that innocent dying patients – who are the true victims of the government’s misbehavior – are not denied readily available medicine.

NORML’s mission is to move public opinion sufficiently to legalize the responsible use of marijuana by adults, and to serve as an advocate for consumers to assure they have access to high quality marijuana that is safe, convenient and affordable.

The Firm previously filed a pro-bono amicus brief in the United States Supreme Court in the matter of Washington v. Barr, on behalf of several non-profit organizations representing former national and international professional athletes in support of a constitutional challenge to the federal government’s continued refusal to remove marijuana from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, even though millions of Americans use marijuana on a regular basis to manage debilitating health conditions in accordance with State, territorial, and local laws. Unfortunately, with the passing of Justice Ginsberg, petitioners were unable to secure the four votes necessary to secure review.

Ansell Celebrates Five-Year Anniversary of the New Jersey Cannabis Symposium

In honor of the first-ever New Jersey Cannabis Symposium, which was held on January 26, 2018, which recently celebrated its fifth anniversary, Ansell Grimm & Arron, PC is proud to acknowledge the many milestones of success and rapid growth and development, particularly with respect to licensure, since that fateful night. Many have since held meetings and events promoting cannabis decriminalization and legalization in the State, but none have replicated the energy and enthusiasm on display that night.

Nearly 1,000 people interested in taking a role in the legal adult use cannabis industry attended the NJ Cannabis Symposium at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center that night.  Media coverage of the event was extensive with reports appearing on New York’s NBC and ABC affiliates, on FIOS1 News, in, and on NPR and Good Morning America.

As Ansell Partner Joshua S. Bauchner then told the Asbury Park Press, “The time is now. If you’re starting today or tomorrow, you need to ramp up. There’s a tremendous amount of work to be done before we get to the actual filing of the licenses – getting your team together, getting your capital, finding your space, figuring out your banking.” Bauchner, a featured speaker at the Symposium, leads Ansell’s Controlled Substances and Regulatory Law Practice Group which also co-hosted the Symposium alongside the BSC GroupLongview StrategicMarcum LLP, and the New Jersey Cannabusiness Association.

Since that time, including the passage of the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act (“CREAMMA”), the Firm continues to provide guidance to prospective business owners hoping to traverse the ever-changing landscape of recreational cannabis in areas including licensing, intellectual property, employment rights and municipal zoning and approval. Indeed, nearly 1,100 dispensary, manufacturing and cultivation licenses have been awarded to date.

About Ansell Grimm & Aaron, PC

Ansell Grimm & Aaron, PC was founded in 1929 and has a long history of delivering for clients who come to us to resolve legal matters that are often urgent, stressful, and of great importance. A general practice law firm, Ansell Grimm & Aaron is powered by experienced attorneys who understand that the best outcome is the one that serves the needs of each client.

Ansell’s dedicated Controlled Substances & Regulatory Law Practice Group has an in-depth understanding of the laws related to the production, sale, use, regulation and legalization of controlled substances, including:  hemp, cannabis, and psychedelics. Controlled substances law remains a multifaceted and complex field with, at times, conflicting regulations from different governing bodies.  Our attorneys are prepared to assist in all aspects of this emerging field and are committed to helping our clients understand their rights and the opportunities in this complex and evolving area of law.  For additional information, please contact Joshua S. Bauchner at (973) 247-9000 or [email protected].


The above is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Transmission of the materials and information contained herein is not intended to create, and receipt thereof does not constitute the formation of, an attorney-client relationship. Attorney advertising.


It is with great sadness that Ansell Grimm & Aaron, PC says farewell to The Honorable Raymond A. Hayser who passed away on February 9th at the age of 77.

Judge Hayser was an attorney with the Firm in the 1990’s before ascending to the bench. Judge Hayser served as a Judge of the Tax Court of NJ, as well as serving in Superior Court (Monmouth County and Mercer County).  While in Superior Court, the Judge served in the Civil and Special Civil Parts, as well  as Chancery Division, Family and General Equity Part.  During his time on the bench, Judge Hayser authored many reported opinions on land use, taxation, constitutional law and family law.  He also lectured on these same subjects.

After 18 years on the bench, Judge Hayser retired and returned to the Firm, where he often assisted younger (and, sometimes, not so young) attorneys in numerous areas of the law where he had expertise.  Judge Hayser had a great legal mind and will be missed by all who worked with him; not just at the Firm, but in the legal community generally.

Family and friends are invited to attend a visitation for Judge Hayser on Thursday February 16, 2023, and Friday February 17, 2023 from 2-4 and 7-9 pm at Orender Family Home for Funerals 2643 Old Bridge Road Manasquan, NJ 08736. A Mass of Christian Burial will be 10:30 am Saturday February 18, 2023 at St Denis Church 90 Union Avenue Manasquan, NJ. Entombment to follow at St Catharine Mausoleum, 1100 W. Chicago Blvd Sea Girt, NJ. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to a charity of your choice. To send condolences to the family please visit

Judge Hayser’s obituary can be found here.


Led by Department Chair James G. Aaron, in coordination with partners Joshua S. Bauchner and Anthony J. D’Artiglio, Ansell’s attorneys are well versed in the intricacies of bankruptcy practice. Our bankruptcy attorneys are here to offer the knowledge and advice about the benefits and detriments of the different types of bankruptcy; Chapter 11, Chapter 13, and Chapter 7 proceedings, all of which should be considered prior to any individual or business filing for bankruptcy. Before filing, our attorneys will provide a complete analysis of our client’s assets and guide them through the establishment of an asset protection plan.

The Firm represents numerous national and state banking institutions, Fortune 500 companies, and many local corporate entities in restructuring corporate debt, and represents both creditors and debtors in all proceedings.

In particular, the Firm represents commercial landlords whose tenants file for bankruptcy. The landlord becomes an estate creditor and has numerous, defined rights under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. As set forth below, Ansell recently experienced significant success on behalf of our landlord/creditor clients protecting their interest in realty and securing against abuse of the bankruptcy process by recalcitrant debtors.

The firm also handles state court insolvency matters, an alternative to federal bankruptcy, known as an assignment for the benefit of creditors (“ABC”). Similar to a Chapter 7 liquidation proceeding, an ABC permits a debtor to assign its claims to an assignee — here, an attorney with the Firm appointed by the Court — to pursue preferential and fraudulent claims under state law.

By example, here are some of the Firm’s recent successes in this practice area:

Recovery for Landlord in Debtor’s Attempt to Escape Obligations 

Partner Anthony J. D’Artiglio and Shareholder and department co-chair Joshua S. Bauchner recently secured a favorable decision from the Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York in the Fairway Group Holdings Corp. matter. Our client, Debtor’s property owner, filed a multi-million-dollar cure objection asserting that Debtor had failed to repair and maintain the property in accord with its lease obligations, and thus needed to make the necessary repairs or pay for the repairs as part of the lease assumption and assignment. Debtor sought to dismiss the cure objection, arguing that the new tenant was responsible for all pre-assignment defects as part of the lease’s ongoing repair and maintenance obligations and that, because property owner did not issue a default notice pre-petition pursuant to a lease provision, property owner could not claim that a “default” existed requiring cure pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code. The Court resoundingly rejected Debtor’s arguments, holding that (i) Debtor is responsible for all necessary pre-assignment repairs pursuant to the lease because the buyer took the property “free and clear” of any and all defaults by Debtor at the time of the assignment, and (ii) landlord was not required to formally notice a “default” under the lease to seek the cost of repairs from Debtor for any pre-assignment condition in need of repair particular where, as here, Debtor was on notice upon the filing of the cure objection.  As a result of this favorable ruling, our client can recover millions of dollars in repair costs.

Conversion to a Chapter 7 and Vacature of Extension of Automatic Stay

The Firm successfully compelled conversion of a meritless Chapter 11 to a Chapter 7 proceeding and convinced the Court to vacate an extension of the automatic stay to the principal’s of the Debtor company. Debtor filed a Chapter 11 petition in the District of New Jersey just before it and its principals were scheduled to face trial in the Western District of Missouri on multi-million dollar fraudulent scheme related to the sale of a business. Led by Joshua S Bauchner and Anthony J. D’Artiglio, the firm successfully convinced the Court to vacate an extension of the automatic stay to the principals of Debtor who sought to utilize the Bankruptcy to shield themselves from liability. Furthermore, we vigorously opposed confirmation of a meritless Plan of Reorganization, culminating in Debtor voluntarily converting its Chapter 11 reorganization to a Chapter 7 liquidation requiring the appointment of a Trustee to pursue our client’s and other creditors’ interests. As a result, the adversary complaint and related Bankruptcy matters were dismissed in New Jersey permitting the action to proceed to trial in Missouri.

Protection for Landlord from Tenant Bankruptcy  

Partner Anthony J. D’Artiglio and Shareholder Joshua S. Bauchner secured an extremely favorable settlement on behalf of a property owner whose tenant filed for bankruptcy after failing to make any rent payments over a prolonged period. Following our filing of an application to compel lease rejection or for relief from the automatic stay, the tenant agreed to pay outstanding rent and additional rent, our client’s attorneys’ fees and costs, and to increase the security deposit as a condition of assumption of the lease, ensuring the property owner was not harmed by the tenant’s bankruptcy filing.

Relief for Landlord from Automatic Bankruptcy Stay 

Partner Anthony J. D’Artiglio and Shareholder Joshua S. Bauchner successfully secured relief from the automatic bankruptcy stay for a landlord whose tenant had sublet the property without authorization, failed to pay substantial rent, and additional rent due and owing. We successfully convinced the Court to order the tenant to make post-petition payments on an ongoing basis and to lift the automatic stay to permit the property owner to pursue the tenant for damages and eviction in State Court while the bankruptcy remained pending.

For additional information concerning Ansell’s Bankruptcy Department, please contact us at (973) 247-9000, or email James G. Aaron ([email protected]), Joshua S. Bauchner ([email protected]), or Anthony J. D’Artiglio ([email protected]).


About Ansell Grimm & Aaron, PC
Ansell Grimm & Aaron, PC was founded in 1929 and has a long history of delivering for clients who come to us to resolve legal matters that are often urgent, stressful, and of great importance. A general practice law firm, Ansell Grimm & Aaron is powered by experienced attorneys who understand that the best outcome is the one that serves the needs of each client.

The above is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Transmission of the materials and information contained herein is not intended to create, and receipt thereof does not constitute the formation of, an attorney-client relationship. Attorney advertising.


We are Growing – Attorney and Staff Opportunities


We are always open to opportunities and are always interested in speaking with talented individuals seeking to join our growing firm. If you are seeking to better manage your law practice with a local mid-sized firm where decisions are made on site instead of in a regional or national office, if you possess a teamwork-oriented attitude, a strong work ethic, and desire to provide outstanding client service, we should talk. Interested attorneys must be admitted to the New Jersey Bar, admission to the New York Bar is considered a plus. Attorneys with substantial portable business would be considered for counsel or non-equity shareholder status.

And of course, successful attorneys are frequently backed up by amazing staff. Ansell Grimm & Aaron is always seeking excellent talent for our support teams.  If you would like to join a firm that provides a culture of professional excellence through a team of high caliber employees, you embrace technology, and you wish to grow and develop your skills and abilities, we welcome you to contact to us.

CONFIDENTIAL Inquiries including cover letter and resume may be submitted to [email protected]. No phone calls, please.

Current Opportunities

Bankruptcy Attorney

Seeking associate candidates with at least 7-10 years of experience in creditor side bankruptcy. Must be barred in both NJ and NY. The candidate must have substantial familiarity with the Bankruptcy Code and Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure. Candidate must be able to work independently, have strong analytical and critical thinking skills, excellent written and verbal communications skills, and the ability to build a rapport with clients. We are looking for an attorney who can be flexible in a demanding environment and be a collegial, team player with an understanding of the business interests our clients and the firm. A bankruptcy clerkship is a plus.

Community Association Practice Attorney

Seeking an attorney with 3-5 years’ experience in a community association practice in our Princeton, New Jersey office to represent condominiums, cooperatives, and homeowners associations. Candidates should expect to perform significant and substantive legal research and writing, communicate with Courts, counsel, and clients, attend Court, and generally engage in all aspects of a thriving community association practice.

Corporate Attorney

Seeking a corporate attorney to assist a senior member of the Corporate Department in its Ocean, New Jersey office. Ideal applicant MUST have at least  3-7 years of experience as a corporate attorney and have familiarity with: formation of business organizations; corporate governance matters; venture capital and bank financing; executive compensation; stock or cash-based employee incentive plans; licensing agreements; distribution agreements; succession in closely held or family business; management and leveraged buy-outs; and compliance with disclosure obligations under the federal and state securities laws.

Litigation Associate

Seeking 3-6 year litigation associate to work in our Woodland Park, New Jersey office. Candidate must be admitted in New Jersey and New York. Law journal or moot court experience a plus. Clerkship and bankruptcy experience preferred. Candidates should expect to perform significant and substantive legal research and writing, communicate with Courts, counsel, and clients, attend Court, take depositions, and generally engage in all aspects of busy commercial litigation practice in state and federal court. Typical matters include business, contract, and real estate disputes; class action prosecution and defense; adversary proceedings in bankruptcy; and complex commercial litigation.

Legal Assistant – Criminal Department

Seeking an experienced legal assistant to support busy and well-established Criminal Law Team in our Ocean Township office. The candidate will work closely with supervising attorneys and paralegal. Candidate must be experienced in the workings and processes of the of the NJ criminal Court system including filings, calendar, Court Rules, etc. Candidate should be well-organized, enthusiastic, willing to learn, have excellent computer skills, effective communication skills, and ability to multitask. Proficiency with Office 365 software, with advanced knowledge of Word, and ability to maintain utmost confidentiality and professionalism required.

Legal Assistant – Family Law

Seeking an experienced legal assistant to support busy and well-established Family Law Team in our Ocean Township office. The candidate will work closely with supervising attorneys and paralegals. Candidate must have at least two years experience in family law.  Must be familiar with the NJ Family Court system including filings, calendar, Court Rules, etc. Candidate should be well-organized, enthusiastic, willing to learn, have excellent computer skills, effective communication skills, and ability to multitask. Proficiency with Office 365 software, with advanced knowledge of Word, and ability to maintain utmost confidentiality and professionalism required.

Billing and Collections Coordinator

Seeking a Legal Billing and Collections coordinator with at least 2 to 5 years of related experience with proficiency in legal billing software, we use Orion, and Microsoft Office. Must be well organized, meticulous, and able to work well with others at all levels of the organization. Must be able to anticipate work needs and follow through with minimal direction. Must exemplify professional demeanor and be a team player. Responsibilities include: Monitor WIP for clients and ensure invoices are prepared and finalized promptly, prepare monthly and transactional bills and reports for billing attorney review, incorporate edits and revisions, prepare final invoices, obtain approvals, post bills and maintain billing files, process transfers, write-offs and adjustments, work closely with partners, legal and support staff to resolve any issues in a timely manner and ensure bills are accurate and complete.

CONFIDENTIAL Inquiries including cover letter and resume may be submitted to [email protected]. No phone calls, please.

Ansell Grimm & Aaron provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetics. In addition to federal law requirements, Ansell Grimm & Aaron complies with applicable state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment in every location in which the company has facilities. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including recruiting, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation, and training.

Ansell Grimm & Aaron expressly prohibits any form of workplace harassment based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status. Improper interference with the ability of Ansell Grimm & Aaron’s employees to perform their job duties may result in discipline up to and including discharge.