Ansell.Law Secures Motion to Dismiss Avoiding Frivolous Litigation for Firm Client

In a land use dispute where a litigious neighbor filed a complaint seeking to effectively appeal zoning permits issued for construction that has long since been completed – some for more than a decade – Litigation Department attorneys Anthony J. D’Artiglio and Brian J. Ashnault, with assistance from Land Use Department Co-Chair Jennifer S. Krimko, successfully moved to have the Complaint dismissed in its entirety with prejudice. 

The plaintiff filed a complaint against his neighbor and the Borough of West Long Branch, asserting claims of enforcement, writ of mandamus, and violation of the plaintiff’s substantive due process rights. At its core, the Complaint alleged that four permits issued to his neighbor should not have been issued, and the work performed in conjunction with the permits exceeded what was permitted.  

On behalf of the defendant neighbor, the Ansell team filed a motion to dismiss the Complaint relying on arguments including that the plaintiff was actually seeking an out-of-time appeal of the permits, not enforcement of the Ordinance as plaintiff asserted. Regardless, the Ansell team argued that such claims were long out of time under the principle of laches, even if they were considered as enforcement claims. Additionally, the Ansell Team argued that the remaining counts were deficient for various reasons warranting dismissal.

Following oral arguments, the Court issued a lengthy oral decision dismissing the Complaint in its entirety with prejudice. The Judge addressed and accepted each of the Ansell team’s grounds to dismiss the Complaint for every count. Accordingly, the frivolous litigation filed by the plaintiff designed to harass his neighbor was disposed of at its earliest stage.

Anthony is a partner and litigation team leader in the Firm’s Woodland Park office. His varied practice includes commercial lease disputes, class actions, Consumer Fraud Act claims, corporate/shareholder disputes, employment disputes, secured property actions, and creditors’ rights in bankruptcy matters.

Jennifer co-chairs the Firm’s Land Use Department. She devotes her practice to all areas relating to real estate, representing a wide variety of clients — from individuals to large developers — in all phases of governmental approvals before municipal, county, and state agencies.

Brian’s practice spans a range of commercial and civil litigation matters including condemnation, land use, commercial lease disputes, breach of contract claims, and collections.