Cannabis Law Update

NJSBA Cannabis Law Committee Issues Report and Recommendations to NJ Cannabis Regulatory Committee

On Tuesday, July 13, 2021, the New Jersey State Bar Association Cannabis Law Committee provided the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Committee with a comprehensive Report detailing issues with the Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act (“CREAMMA”), and proposing recommendations to resolve those concerns.  The Report was presented with the goal of clarifying apparent ambiguities, providing further transparency, and remedying apparent inconsistencies identified in CREAMMA.

In doing so, the Report identifies twelve (12) overarching topics on various issues of concern and provides a recommendation for each; including:  (i) lab testing, (ii) regulation of cannabis, (iii) marketplace regulations of recreational cannabis, (iv) marketplace regulation pertaining to hemp, (v) licensing, (vi) microbusiness and conditional licensing, (vii) municipal/land use, (viii) taxes, (ix) taxes, (x) impact zones, (xi) acute impairment considerations, (xii) expungement, and (xiii) family law considerations.

Ansell Grimm & Aaron attorneys Joshua S. Bauchner, co-chair of the Cannabis Law Committee, and Zachary L. Windham, a committee member, led the effort in conjunction with Lisa Gora, co-chair, and Sarah Trent, secretary.  The Report was informed by the contributions of numerous Committee members across multiple disciplines, as reflected in the appendix.

A copy of the Report is available here:
Report and Recommendations to
NJ Cannabis Regulatory Commission


The Ins and Outs of Licensing of Recreational Cannabis Businesses in New Jersey

On Thursday, July 22, the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Cannabis Law Committee will be hosting a webinar to discuss what you need to know about licensing in the State’s new recreational cannabis industry. The webinar will address the industry parameters set out by New Jersey’s Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act (“CREAMMA”) and what those parameters mean for potential licensees. Topics will include the six classes of licenses, microbusinesses, impact zones, municipal land use, and anticipated regulations from the Cannabis Regulatory Commission (“CRC”). You will hear from Jordan Asch, Esq. of Asch Legal LLC, Joshua S. Bauchner, Esq. of Ansell Grimm & Aaron, PC, Lisa Gora, Esq. of Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, PA, Charles Latini of L&G Planning, LLC, and Sarah Trent, Esq. of Valley Wellness.

For more information and NJICLE Webcast- The Ins and Outs of Licensing of Recreational Cannabis Businesses in New Jersey click here.

Ansell Grimm & Aaron’s Cannabis Law Practice helps clients, at every stage of their cannabis business’ development, to navigate the complex legal landscape including production, sale, use, regulation and legalization.  Please contact Joshua S. Bauchner, Esq. (j[email protected]) or Zachary L. Windham, Esq. ([email protected]) at (973) 247-9000 for additional information.

